Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Nanobots are robots created in a scale of micro 10^-6 or nano 10^-9 that is used to assist human functions , carry out reaction and action to obtain beneficial effects in medical and mechanical areas. Recently, there was a nanobot developed reported by yahoo.hk news. The bot is called "hydromina" and it is used to carryout artificial fertilization by injecting genetic materials through its tube to the cell. And therefore, it increase the rate of success by 100 times comparing normal operation. However, it is so expensive to make< 3 thousand euro for one nanobot, which makes it hard to be mass produced in the present. But it is truely a great success in human technology.  Just a few years ago, scientists claimed that they would develop nanobots in 20 years, it is hard to believe we could could have achieved it in just a few years.IIn the future, nanobots can help human resolve a lot of diseases that are now currently untreatable...but as everyone knows, they will be used on military areas ultimately...
                A digital 3 dimensional  model of  an imaginary nanobot

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